And just like that it’s May! I’m a little late getting this information out as I’ve been quite busy. Things are really heating up in the housing market with short periods of cooling off whenever the rates jump back up again. Everyone was talking about how the rates were going to continue to go down and then surprise, surprise, up they went. Just like we weren’t going to have any rain and all the sudden last Saturday it was a torrential downpour! The most rain in May in the past 100 years. So, the lesson is to expect the unexpected? No, I think the lesson is to make hay while the sun is shining.If you have enough money to make your payments, and you want to own your own home, then do it! If you don’t have the money, and you want to own your own home, start talking to a trusted advisor about how to get yourself in a position to meet that goal. If you don’t want to own a home, by all means rent!
And for sellers, the supply demand equation is still very much in your favor. There is still a lack of inventory for all the people who do indeed want to own a home. I’ll be back in June with more insights looking back at the month of May, but for now I’ve got to run as there’s much to do out there in our busy spring market.
Now, for the Glen Park numbers for April–
Stay up to date on the latest real estate trends.
as posted in Glen Park Association
A big conversation in the world of real estate that most people have become aware of in one way or another at this point.
as posted in Glen Park Association
as posted in Glen Park Association
as posted in Glen Park Association
as posted in Glen Park Association
You’ve got questions and I can’t wait to answer them.